
华南理工大学必须保持高标准,以反映高等教育机构的性质. 学生们需要了解整个大学生涯中所期望的学术标准.

以下正规澳门平台十大赌博学术诚信的材料是1996年学术参议院教育政策委员会学术诚信小组委员会编写的. Lisa Gray-Shellberg chaired the committee, which also included Angela Albright, 蓝色玛格利特, Hansonia考德威尔, 拉里•格雷, 辛西娅·约翰逊, 杰米·韦伯.

Additional information about 学术诚信 can be found in the 大学目录


的 Academic Senate Resolution on 学术诚信 (EPC 96-03)为一份题为“学术诚信:在大学社区中的地位”的文件的校园传播和讨论奠定了基础," which is reprinted in the 大学目录. 哲学, 政策, 其中包含的程序由大学管理部门批准并严格遵守, through the Vice Presidents of Student Affairs, 登记管理, 及学术事务.

目录上写道: 学术诚信在大学社区中至关重要,涉及对价值观的忠诚, 原则, and code of behavior held to be central in that community. 正直指的是诚实,意味着诚实、公平、没有谎言、欺诈和欺骗.

的 core of a university's integrity is its scholastic honesty. 诚信在所有文化中都受到重视,是学术文化的基本价值观. 有, 然而, 正规澳门平台十大赌博思想的所有权和个人努力的重要性的文化差异. 尽管如此, 大学希望所有学生和其他校园成员记录他人的智力贡献,并确保他们提交的工作是他们自己的.

Education provides students with the resources to master content, 学习技能, 并开发最大化自身潜能和他人潜能的流程. 学生必须通过有形的产品来展示对每一步学习的掌握, 比如测试性能, 论文, 和演示. 这个过程使学生和教师能够评估学生对下一步的准备情况,并给予学生采取未来步骤的信心. Students who cheat may not have mastered the necessary steps nor gained the necessary knowledge; they miss the opportunity to gain an accurate picture of what they know and what they do not know.

Promoting 学术诚信

因为大多数学生不清楚为什么学术诚信很重要,或者什么构成了不诚实的行为, 有 three key things teachers should do in their classes:

  1. Discuss the importance of academic integrity within higher education, 作弊和抄袭的标准定义(参见大学目录声明), and any particular emphases or variations of yours.
  2. Include clear, specific expectations on your syllabi. (教学大纲陈述的例子可从学生发展办公室和教师发展办公室获得).
  3. 在每次考试前或布置作业时提醒学生,你很关注学术诚信,以及你对他们在这方面的期望.

Detecting and Preventing Dishonesty

的 menu below features summaries for professors, detailing prevention strategies for academic dishonesty.



  • Constant attention to details of prevention strategies.
  • 学生的参与.


  • 强调学生避免作弊的伦理和道德责任,并帮助防止他人作弊.
  • 明确有关作弊的政策和对作弊者的处罚.
  • 设立“热线”,学生可以匿名举报作弊事件.
  • 对被发现作弊或涉嫌作弊的学生进行个别辅导. This may prevent future cheating.
Obtaining Copies of a Test Beforehand


  • Student's responses seem beyond abilities.
  • 学生之间相互联系的错误答案模式.


  • 从考试开始到考试结束,老师都应该把试卷放在安全的地方.
  • When word processing or design software is used in test preparation, avoid leaving the information on the computer. 如果可能的话,将信息放在可拆卸的驱动器上,并将其固定在安全的地方.
  • 考试应该是原创的,而不是重复前几个学期的考试.

1. Copying, crib sheets, passing answers


  • Do not leave the classroom during the test.
  • 认真监考 and walk around the room.


  • When giving multiple choice or short answer tests, alternate test forms should be used if at all possible. 计算机可以用来整理问题,并为每个不同的测试创建一个答案.
  • Spread students out as much as possible.
  • 所有的书, 论文, 个人物品应存放在学生座位或座位下面, 最好是, in the front of the classroom.
  • Paper should be provided for the test answers and any scratch work. 分发之前将答题纸和草稿纸装订在一起,并将答题纸放在底部. Do not permit 论文 to be unstapled.
  • If blue books are to be used, 要求学生在考试前的上课时间内将其填空. 的 books can be re-distributed at the start of the test.
  • Be alert for name similarities and use of electronic devices. 真假题和多项选择题尤其容易受到这种作弊的影响.
  • Do not permit any verbal or nonverbal communication between students.
  • Test pick-up: have students leave their test package on their desks. 这将防止交换试卷,并允许通过答案模式检测邻居的抄袭.

2. "Ringer" Taking the Test for Another Student


  • 认真监考.
  • 检查学生证.


  • Have each student display their photo ID on the desk.
  • 检查是否有替换.
  • Have each student hand in the test personally and present his/her ID. 老师, 检查过身份证后, 检查班级花名册, 试卷上的名字, 测试的首字母缩写.

3. "Stooge" who sits in on exam and leaves with test.


  • Be vigilant; try to watch each exit. If possible, secure proctor assistance.
  • 尽早检查id.


  • Number all tests before distribution. Be sure all tests are returned. If one is missing, be sure it does not show up later.
  • If a student needs to leave the room during a test, have him/her hand in the exam until he/she returns.

1. Turning in lifted exam as test taken in class


  • 近距离观察


  • 不要把试卷或成绩单放在桌子上或无人看管的地方. Keep in a locked, safe place.
  • 如果在考试结束时发现缺少一个测试,确保它不会作为完成的测试重新出现.

2. Changing Grades or Changing Answers on Exams


  • 把有作弊嫌疑的考生的试卷复印后再交回.


  • Mark grades in grade book prior to returning tests.
  • 提醒学生,有些考卷在返校检查更改前会被影印.
  • 如果在计算机上放置成绩,请确保安全性达到最高水平. 如果可能的话,将等级放在光盘或可拆卸的驱动器上,以便可以安全地锁定.
Take-首页 Test Completed by “Expert”


  • Solution done in a way not covered by instructor.
  • 看起来“专业."


  • 避免做带回家的测试.
  • 要求口头陈述.

1. Copying solutions from instructor's manual.


  • Compare solutions with manual.


  • Change to a book with no manual.

2. 抄袭同学的解决方案或以前学期的旧方案


  • Careful grading; look for similarities.


  • 家庭作业只占最终成绩的一小部分,或者根本不占.
  • 给 different homework assignments each semester.

3. Getting report done by an expert


  • Solutions done in a way not covered by instructor.


  • 要求口头陈述.


  • Look for significant fluctuations in writing style.
  • 看起来“专业."
  • Look for work that appears to be clearly beyond student's ability.


  • Place limits on topic selection.
  • Avoid topics that are "too general"; this decreases likelihood of using a "paper mill."
  • Change topic lists frequently.
  • Establish a precise format for the paper and stick to it.
  • Require a tentative bibliography early in the term.
  • Require library location numbers.
  • Require an advance outline of paper.
  • Do not permit late topic changes.
  • 给 a pop test on basic knowledge.
  • Require notes and rough drafts.
  • Keep original 论文 on file for five years.
  • Use in-class writing assignments.
Options for Dealing with Students Caught Cheating
  1. You should confront the student(s) directly, discuss the situation and then assign your own penalty accordingly. Penalties can include: requesting the student to re-do the work, assigning the student a failing grade for the assignment, or assigning a lower or failing grade for the course.
  2. 你可以向负责学生事务和招生管理的副校长报告你发现了作弊或抄袭并进行了处理. (这使得大学可以维护统计数据,并发现个别学生的作弊模式。).
  3. 你可以要求负责学生事务和招生管理的副校长指派一名学生纪律协调员调查此案.

学生行为规范程序 for Student Discipline 概述了 在这里.

注意: 的 Summary is adapted from the book 学术诚信 and Student Development, Kibler, Nuss, Paterson, & Pavela; and Singhal, A.C. & 约翰逊,P. (1983). How to halt student dishonesty. College Student Journal, 17(l), 13-19. Copyright by Project Innovation