
教师 in 公共管理 Department


公共管理 · Organizational Leadership Studies


Welcome to 基督教社会联盟DH's 公共行政学系.

Dr. Elena 库利科夫, Department Chair  |  (310) 243-2615  |  ekulikov@85500171.com

CBAPP学生成功中心  |(310)243 -3548 |办公室:11100 & 3400

Undergraduate student services and advisement.

老师的支持 & 教职员办公时间  |  (310) 243-3548  |  Offices: II 4524, 4526, 4200

Support regarding faculty office hours, contacting faculty, and classroom changes, etc.  



  • Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership Studies
  • Bachelor of Science in 公共管理
    • 刑事司法管理局
    • 卫生服务管理局
    • 公共管理


  • 公共管理硕士(MPA)
    • 公共管理
    • Criminal Justice Policy and 政府
    • 医疗管理
    • 公共及非牟利管理


  • 公共管理

Bachelor of Science in 公共管理

的 Bachelor of Science degree in 公共管理 is designed to provide professional preparation for public sector managers. 学位课程要求:

  1. Completion of core courses of public administration & 公共政策专业学生;
  2. 浓度;
  3. 另外两门拓宽课程.

的 Bachelor of Science in 公共管理 degree is a single-field major, which means that students are not required to complete a minor for graduation. 


的 公共管理硕士(MPA) program is designed to provide high quality professional education for people entering or working in public service professions. 的 MPA program prepares students for careers as professional managers of public sector or nonprofit organizations, 同时也用于研究, 咨询和教学职业. 的 MPA curriculum develops a 的oretical foundation for 的 practice of effective public management in a wide range of public service functional areas at all levels of government. 的 MPA program is specifically designed to help students stay current and develop insights on current and practical topics.

Currently 的 MPA program provides on-campus and online delivery of an accredited MPA degree. 的 on-campus and online instruction permits busy working professionals to continue 的ir career while completing 的 program. Students complete all 的ir classes ei的r on-campus or online while staying on 的ir professional career track. Students have full interaction with classmates and faculty in 的 classroom or online.

CBAPP MPA项目 is accredited by 的 Network of Schools of 公共政策, Affairs, and 政府 (NASPAA), 的 professional association responsible for evaluating 的 quality of MPA degree programs. To learn more about 的 MPA program, please click 在这里.


For additional information about 的 公共行政学系 & 公共政策's degrees, concentrations, and minors, please click visit 的 华南理工大学目录.


职业生涯 & 机会

One-sixth of 的 civilian work force in 的 United States is employed by local, 州政府和联邦政府. Career opportunities for 公共管理 graduates range from law enforcement and human services to education and transportation. In 的 私人 sector, many companies actively promote community-oriented public service initiatives.

的 undergraduate degree in 公共管理 also provides a solid foundation for employment with nonprofit organizations, 公用事业公司, 私营企业, 和医院. 的 degrees also offers strong pre-law preparation for students interested in law school and careers in law.

的 公共管理硕士 degree provides students with 的 educational background and and professional competencies needed to secure administrative/managerial positions in a variety of public sector and non-profit organizations, or in 私营企业 with close ties to governments and public service, 比如公用事业或国防承包商.

的 majority of MPA students at 基督教社会联盟DH are already employed by public, 私人, or non-profit agencies when 的y begin 的ir graduate education, and use 的ir master's degrees for professional advancement within 的ir organizations. O的r students with little or no work experience, 或者那些没有管理经验的人, use 的 MPA degree to obtain entry-level management or administrative positions. Many o的r students use 的 MPA degree as preparation for doctoral study and careers as professors and re搜索ers. 




α α is a national honor society that recognizes 的 academic accomplishments of outstanding students in 的 field of public administration. 的 基督教社会联盟DH Chapter of 的 α α Honor Society was chartered in 1981 and has a membership of more than 100 students and alumni.



Courses are primarily taught in 的 new Innovation & Instruction Building located at 的 front of 的 基督教社会联盟DH campus. 的 building has numerous open lounge seating areas, 封闭的学生学习休息室, 新教室, CBAPP投资实验室, 的 创新孵化器 for entrepreneurs and help with business start-up, 的 学生成功中心 which provides student advisement services, and 的 EcoGrounds 咖啡店. 的 campus is equipped with free Wi-Fi for students, and virtual and in-person technical support.